Thursday, September 20, 2012

10 Steps For Your First Application

So I assume that you already installed the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition. How about we write our first application. I'll start with a Console Application first later I'll will show the same application in Windows Form Application. So what should be our first Application. As you already guessed...It is the typical "Hello World" application. Application that prints "Hello World!!!" in the Console Window.

  1. First open you Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition IDE
  2. If it is opened for the first time it will ask you about the working environment settings. Simply Click Visual C# Development Settings. It will take some time. So be patient..:)
  3. Next you will have a start page from where you can create a new project or open a existing project. To create a new project click on New Project or you can also create a new project from the          ->File ->New ->Project
  4. You will get a window asking what type of project you want to create. From the Installed Templates section click on Visual C# node, expand it and select Windows. Then select  Console Application. Give it a proper name (HelloWorld). Choose a saving location if you want and press the OK button.
  5. It will create a Solution with a single project named HelloWorld. In the Program.cs class there is a main method from where a program start executing. It is the static void Main(string[] args) method.
  6. In the method simply type 
  7.           Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
  8. Then press the play button on the toolbar which is actually called the start debugging button.
  9. Tada!!!!!!!!! A console window will popup and the "Hello World" message will be shown.
  10. Press any key on the keyboard to exit the window.

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