Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Up and running with vNext

Up and running with vNext

Setting up environment, writing c# code in Brackets and running in command prompt.

For so long now you have been working on OSX and UNIX, but want to taste some Microsoft’s cutting edged technologies. By which I mean you want to end up writing some code in C#. Now the burning question is, how am I going to even write C# code without Visual Studio? And moreover my OS doesn’t support running Microsoft’s products. Well! You don’t have to whine anymore because I’ve got a good news for you.  If you attended the Microsoft’s virtual event called Connect(); earlier November 2014, you may have come across knowing that 5 has gone open source. It is known as vNext.

Event videos can be found in this link below

Link to the GitHub repository for vNext is down below

If you’ve already browsed the repository and read the documentation, you may have seen the minimum requirements and tools to run vNext applications in OSX and UNIX operating systems.

In short all you have to do is to install two things in order to create an environment in which you can run C# applications. One of those is KVM (K Version Manager) which basically provides you with .net framework libraries. And the second one is KRE (K Runtime Environment) which is just a runtime environment provider for the framework. It’s just like you have to install JDK and JRE for building and running JAVA applications. So all the hard work is done and time to write some C#.

Before that lets say I don’t have Visual Studio installed in my windows (Of course you can’t install this mind blowing IDE in OSX and UNIX). However I want to take the full advantage of IntelliSense supported in Visual Studio. Let’s take some tiny steps in building our own Visual Studio. First of all choose any advance text editing tool you like. Not just any though, to have the full IntelliSense support you’ve to choose between these advance text editing tools. Don’t worry Sublime Text is one of them and the rest are

·          Atom
·          Brackets
·          Emacs
·          Vim

I choose Brackets since it has some features that fits my needs. Okay so I’ve installed Brackets and fired it up. Here what you will see at the first run.

Let’s click on the icon that says Extension Manager. In this window you can install some extensions for Brackets which will ultimately make your development life easier.

So why would I go to the Extension Manger window? Of course for installing an extension. But which one? The name of the extension is OmniSharp. 

You can visit the official website of this project by going to

As you will see the tag line, it says

OmniSharp - Cross platform .NET development
.NET in Your Editor of Choice

So it’s just an extension provider for your favorite text editor which will enable the IntelliSense support for .net applications. It provides more features than just the IntelliSense support. I leave the rest for you to discover. So far so good.

You are almost ready, in windows let’s run the command prompt in administrative mode. Copy and paste the following command and hit enter

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"

This command will install the KVM (k Version Manager) in your system.

Again to install the KRE (K Runtime Environment), fire up another command prompt and run the following command

kvm upgrade

Now clone the vNext home repository into your desktop.

If you browse the Home folder, you will find three subfolders under the samples folder. These are

·          ConsoleApp
·          HelloMVC
·          HelloWeb

Well, if you want to write a console application you will work in the ConsoleApp folder, the HelloMVC is for creating an MVC app and the HelloWeb is just a basic web application skeleton which will just show a static page if you run it.

Now let’s make a traditional “Hello World” application. Before that let’s go inside of the ConsoleApp folder from the command prompt and run the command below

kpm restore

It will restore the packages required by that sample. All the command does is to simply look at the project.json file and download and add the dependencies provided there. Just like nuget package manager.

Now open the ConsoleApp folder in brackets and modify the Program.cs file inside that. Change the text inside the Console.WriteLine method to “Hello from ASP.NET vNext!” and save it.

Finally it’s time to run the console application. To do that just type the command below in the command prompt

k run

It will build and run the console application inside the command prompt and you will get your “Hello from ASP.NET vNext!” string printed on the console.

Building and Running an MVC application

Just like the console application, let’s change our directory and go inside HelloMVC folder and run the command below to restore the packages required by the sample.

kpm restore

Now open the folder in Brackets and you will see a MVC application skeleton with a simple POCO class named User inside the Models folder, a HomeController inside the controllers and Index.cshtml inside the Home folder under the Views folder. We also have a _Layout.cshtml file under shared folder which basically just works like a master page for your application.

Rather wasting time, let’s create a POCO class of our own called Employee and add this properties down there.

Now create a controller named EmployeesController and define an Index method which will be responsible for returning a list of predefined employees into the view.

Time to create the view in which we will show the list of employees in a tabular manner. Create an Employees folder under Views and add an Index.cshtml file there. Write the code below 

Our simple MVC application is ready to run. Running a web application is slightly different from running a console app, instead of k run you will have to type the command below and hit enter

k web

The command will create a server and will an open a listening port on http://localhost:5001
Open your favorite browser and browse the link. It will show you the home page. Let’s see our Tabular Employee list. For that go to http://localhost:5001/EmployeesThere you will see your Tabluar employee list.

So here you go. I’ve shown you how you can both modify, build and run your own Console and MVC application with the help of vNext.

I hope you enjoyed the post. I’ll come again with interesting posts like this. Till then Happy Coding and Happy New Year!