Friday, September 5, 2014

Providers that make your life easy (Part III)

Chapter – VI
Providers that make your life easy (Part III)

Finally we are ready to talk about Angular.js providers. To be precise there are five types of providers by which you can provide services or information as data [don’t mix up services with Angular’s own service provider] throughout your application. All you have to do is to define a service type in your application once and use that for lifetime anywhere in your app. Service Types are

§  Factory
§  Service
§  Provider
§  Value
§  Constant

Objects are main delivery vehicles to ride through different parts of your application and deliver information or services. Angular service providers are ways of creating service objects in some different ways. 


First in the list is the factory. As its’ name goes, creating services with it follows factory function pattern. We discussed about factory function as a way of creating an object in first part.

[Read about creating an object using factory function in this link

Nothing new here except for some syntactical sugar on top of the factory function. So if you have an Angular module defined in your app, creating a service using the factory service in that module is something like this,

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.factory('movieFactory',function() {
    return {
        movies: [
            { title: "Die Hard", role: "Officer John McClane", released: "1988" },
            { title: "Unbreakable", role: "David Dunn", released: "2000" },
            { title: "The Sixth Sense", role: "Dr. Malcolm Crowe", released: "1999" },
            { title: "Armageddon", role: "Harry Stamper", released: "1998" },
            { title: "Twelve Monkeys", role: "James Cole", released: "1995" }

app.controller('movieController', function ($scope, movieFactory) {
    $scope.movies = movieFactory.movies;

Up there I’ve got a module named app and we declared a factory service provider in that. Also we have a controller there. In the above example I’ve just made a service provider with the help of angular factory provider. We exposed a movies service with our factory. We simply created a movies array of object literals and returned it.

Now if any controller wants to use our movies service, it will have to inject the movieFactory first into the controller [see the movieController function parameter]. Then we bind the movies acquired from our movieFactory's movies array into our $scope.movies model. That’s it we are good to go, if we write our html as follows,

<div ng-controller="movieController">
        <h1><em>My Favourite Bruce Willis Movies</em></h1>
        <div ng-repeat="movie in movies">

We will get an output like,


So factory service provider is a good way of exposing a service. But you may not want to use the factory pattern as a way of exposing a service. Rather you may want to take advantage of the constructor function pattern as a way of creating a service, which is simply called service.

[Read about creating an object with construction function in this link

If you use constructor function pattern your service provider will look like,
var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.service('movieService',function() {
    this.movies = [
        { title: "Die Hard", role: "Officer John McClane", released: "1988" },
        { title: "Unbreakable", role: "David Dunn", released: "2000" },
        { title: "The Sixth Sense", role: "Dr. Malcolm Crowe", released: "1999" },
        { title: "Armageddon", role: "Harry Stamper", released: "1998" },
        { title: "Twelve Monkeys", role: "James Cole", released: "1995" }

app.controller('movieController', function ($scope, movieService) {
    $scope.movies = movieService.movies;

Which is just the syntactical sugar over

var app = angular.module('app', []);

function movieService() {
    this.movies = [
        { title: "Die Hard", role: "Officer John McClane", released: "1988" },
        { title: "Unbreakable", role: "David Dunn", released: "2000" },
        { title: "The Sixth Sense", role: "Dr. Malcolm Crowe", released: "1999" },
        { title: "Armageddon", role: "Harry Stamper", released: "1998" },
        { title: "Twelve Monkeys", role: "James Cole", released: "1995" }

app.factory('movieFatory', function () {
    return new movieService();

app.controller('movieController', function ($scope, movieFatory) {
    $scope.movies = movieFatory.movies;


Then we’ve a skeleton way of creating a service which is called provider. Angular’s provider exposes a get function by which we can get a reference of our service. Using provider for building the movies service will look like,
var app = angular.module('app', []);

function movieService() {
    this.movies = [
        { title: "Die Hard", role: "Officer John McClane", released: "1988" },
        { title: "Unbreakable", role: "David Dunn", released: "2000" },
        { title: "The Sixth Sense", role: "Dr. Malcolm Crowe", released: "1999" },
        { title: "Armageddon", role: "Harry Stamper", released: "1998" },
        { title: "Twelve Monkeys", role: "James Cole", released: "1995" }

app.provider('movieProvider', function() {
    this.$get = function getMovieService () {
        return new movieService();

app.controller('movieController', function ($scope, movieProvider) {
    $scope.movies = movieProvider.movies;

Constant & Value

Finally we’ve our two providers. They are value and constant providers. They are almost same except for the fact that constants cannot be changed once it is set and values cannot be injected in any configurations [we will discuss about how to inject constants in Angular configuration later].
So let me finish by giving you two simple examples of these two. For declaring a constant service we will write,

app.value('actorName', 'Bruce Willis');
app.controller('movieController', function ($scope, movieProvider, actorName) {
    $scope.movies = movieProvider.movies;
    $ = actorName;

Here, we’ve created a value service provider which will provide us an actor name in our controller so that we could use it in our view like

<div ng-controller="movieController">
        <h1><em>My Favourite {{actor}} Movies</em></h1>
        <div ng-repeat="movie in movies">

And last of all we can create a constant service provider similarly like the value provider service as

app.constant('actorName', 'Bruce Willis');
app.controller('movieController', function ($scope, movieProvider, actorName) {
    $scope.movies = movieProvider.movies;
    $ = actorName;

And the html is same as it’s in the value service provider. Later we will see how we can inject configuration settings in an Angular app through constant service providers.

I guess now you are clear about this hard to catch topics of Angular. I tried to manage simple example of them for you. Hope you like them. See you in the next post with a new topic.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Providers that make your life easy (Part II)

Chapter – VI
Providers that make your life easy (Part II)

Okay, in the previous post I've shown you how to create an object using JavaScript factory functions. So far so good. Now let me show you another way of creating an object in JavaScript. This work around includes creating an object using constructor functions. Following this pattern you would create an object like below,

var Actor = function (firstName, lastName, catchPhrase) {
                this.firstName = firstName;
                this.lastName = lastName;
                this.catchPhrase = catchPhrase;
                this.sayCatchPhrase = function() {
                    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName + " says " + this.catchPhrase;

var clint = new Actor("Client", "Eastwood", "Go ahead. Make my day");

Except for some minor changes everything is almost same as before. As you can see when we create an object using the constructor function we always keep the variable’s [variable to which the constructor function holds its reference] first letter capitalized. Also we have used this. and then the property name of the object. Rather than using a colon (:) to assign a property value to one of the passed in parameter, here we simply assign it using an equal (=) sign. Last but not the least we called that constructor function by creating a new instance of it [see the new keyword at the start of the constructor function call]. Now if we write


The output is same as before

"Clint Eastwood says Go ahead. Make my day”

So what is the main difference between these two patterns for creating a JavaScript object? If we create an object with constructor function, the object is born with a type. Means our clint is an Actor type. You can check it in browser’s developer console by simply writing

clint instanceof Actor

Which will return true. But creating an object with a factory function doesn't have a type. Also you would use the constructor function pattern when creating an object of a type is too frequent.

In my next post we will take a deep dive into the wonderful world of Angular.js providers. Till then stay tuned!